We are VERY pleased to announce the opening of the Call for Challenges for the Quantum Capture the Flag competition at Quantum Village 2, as part of DEF CON 31! 🎉
Here is the link: https://forms.gle/kaFNM27My2V2xje88
Wait, sorry, what is this?!?
Well, last year for the first capture the flag competition we had a blast! Thousands of submissions from over 40 teams across the 48 hours of the competition!
We had everything from picture rounds to challenges that made even post-docs scratch their heads just a little…
Here are some of our favourite answers from the picture round for the question “what is this? Wrong answers only…”
The real answer is “quantum computer”… because if you look closely enough, you have a gap where the QPU should be. 😜
Other examples can be found on our website - take a look: https://quantumvillage.org/CTF.html
About Last Year
We mentioned that we had 40 teams and 48 hours, but there’s some interesting facts about the Q-CTF that we don’t think we have ever made public:
Most of the teams had never done quantum before. In fact, of the top-5 placed, only one team had ever done quantum algorithms before. That is AMAZING!!! 🤯
1/3 of all submissions were correct - this means nobody was spamming answers nor spray-and-pray-ing flags. 🎯
We analysed the number of correct answers submitted by what time, and the result is that 1am is the worst time to do quantum information theory… and 3am is just as good as 11pm… Here’s our chart:
OK, I have an idea… now what?
Go to the form (up above) and submit! We are planning a ‘Hall of Fame’ for all the successful contributors, and will be providing recognition (on SM and on our discord!), swag, and more for the most quality submissions that we receive.